Saying the word “innovation” in today’s business environment evokes many different meanings. It could mean simply a new idea as a synonym to invention or it could indicate that the new idea drives additional value through the idea’s execution. For Quest, innovation within the robotic automation industry means constantly focusing on the delivery of solutions that solve business challenges, drive operational efficiency, increase safety, and deliver overall savings for our customers.
Quest does not just stop with simple invention; we drive our team to find ways to continuously deliver more value to our customers. Whether that is creating a robotic cell in a smaller footprint to maximize space, creating software to meet our customers’ ever-changing product portfolio or finding a way to place robotics in a process that traditionally has been viewed as unable to be automated, Quest continues to drive new ideas to turn them into innovative solutions for the marketplace. In recent history, we have four examples of innovative solutions that were brought to market to solve customer issues and drive value through automation. These four innovative solutions are: 1) Box Bot Palletizer, 2) QBox Pallet Building Software, 3) the IAV Autonomous Vehicle, and 4) Qleen Coat and Qleen Armor Robotic Drip Trays.
Read more about the customer problem, the Quest solution, and the product today for each innovation below.

Box Bot Palletizer
Read about the story behind the innovation

IAV Autonomous Vehicle
Read about the story behind the innovation